Tuesday 19 August 2008

The Lightbulb moment - 08-08-08

True Story - Is my company - www.truestory.org.uk - (Facebook group - One True Story)
The Lighthouse project - Is a current project (See facebook group UCCA - Lighthouse Rochester)

This blog - The condensation of my thoughts into words before they become actions, die on my lips, become the basis for other thoughts, or whisk up a glorious potential fact/fiction fo pure entertainment.

The True Story is the inclusive story of ALL.
So that comes from observing all that I can observe and that which I can integrate from the observations of others. The Story is the thing that links all of the things that are True to me.

With my company I hope to allow as inclusive a world as possible. A Truer and more complete Story.

I have multitudes of reasons for this. I read in Wired this week that to gain maximum attention you have to tret yourself as if you're a character in a mini-series. Reveal tiny aspects of your identity with each entry. So I shan't include an endless biog at the start.

I wanted to ensure I was writing - that you understood my basic intent and to say - Thank you.
Thank you for being around at the same time as me.
I know what I am embarking on is a journey - its not one I take alone, its not a path I have walked upon alone until this point.

So thank you to those I have met and thank you for reading to those who have begun.
I hope I meet some of you in person - and look forward to taking a restraining order out against those of you with whom I find it necessary.

The material that constructs my day and attracts my attention is from diverse sources.
So it may seem that there are tangents - From here on in I seek to pose a question within the blog title. That way there is a focus and I hope some conclusion upon the thought process by the end - although it may just be a refinement or better articulation by the end.

I may have a sucession of replies to the question by guest writers. I may play Buddha's advocate and reply from a slightly different stance that is not of myself.

But overall - I am a relatively pragmatic person. And I want the blog to stimulate and instigate solutions in the world around us, as well as our inner world.

I don't have much else I wish for this site - except that it be the prompt for questioning things.
And that we support one another in our questions and conclusions and that be a breath of clarity before we do anything and choose to broadcast our truth.

That way - the holistic Story - can contain a little more conciousness, a more open intent and greater potentcy.

Maybe that way...

- The True Story we allow will be one we wake to with joy and go to slumber in peace.

p.s - its not all going to be abstract thought, I'm going to be grounding this with interviews and photos and that... but I want it to be an accurate reflection of the journey, of the story that an individual leads when leading a values lead initiative.

My Lightbulb moment
- Is realising that I find there is an awful lot of darkness out there and that can be through my own fear, my own ignorance and a lack of voices in the dark to inform me as to what to expect.

So the blog - is me turning on the light when necessary, calling out for help, telling you what I find, and focusing and consoldating my experience in one place.

Today - I'm starting.. taking a first step - calling out for direction/guidance and seeing what answer comes back. I'll tell you what did tommorow.

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